Terms and Conditions

#1 – No Copyrighted Photos

 #2 – No Lewd, Vulgar or Pornographic Photos

#3 – Any Photos Uploaded to this Gallery Becomes Community Property and Will be Used for Sales, Promotions and Advertising by Any and All Involved

Our Business is Consignment Photo Sales 

Sales is a People Oriented Business We Recognize that Our Sole Existence and Continued Success Depends on how Well We meet Our Number One Responsibility, 

You, our Customers,, without You We would have no Reason for Being 

Monaco Car Race



Pandestiny Operates a Professional Consignment Photo Gallery that allows Our Users to Organize with Others to Legally Upload, ScreenShot, Share and Sell Digital Copys of Their Best Photos in accordance with this User/License Agreement and Commission Contract


Upload Your Photos for Free and Receive 15% for every one of Your Photos (digital copys) You Personally Sell



Best Commissions Paid on Stock Photos and Referrals 

30% Commissions 30% Referrals 30% Network Referrals (INFO ON GO PRO PAGE) 

You are only Authorized to use this Service in Accordance with this Agreement and in Good Faith

To Wit

You Acknowledge and Agree that this User/License Agreement does not give Rise to any Sale of any Copyrighted Material or any other Intellectual Property Rights

Subject to Your Compliance with the Terms and Conditions set out herein and in this User/license Agreement You are Granted

Non-Exclusive Reproduction Rights to every Photo (digital copy) and or ScreenShot on this Gallery

 Unlimited Uploads, ScreenShots, Downloads, Shares and Sales every Photo (digital copy) on this Gallery

Your Account and Receivables are fully Sellable, Willable and Transferable to Anyone You so Choose at anytime during Your One Year Contract (subject to IRS Requirements)

This User/License Agreement is Fully Revocable and Restrictions may be Placed on how You Use, Upload, ScreenShot, Share or Sell Photos (digital copys) that are Specifically Prohibited 

You are Specifically Prohibited from

using robots, spiders, scraping tools, or similar automated programs to access this Site

cloning this Site or Content in Violation of this User/License Agreement

manipulating or otherwise displaying this Site or its Content by using framing or similar navigational technology 

registering, subscribing, unsubscribing, or attempting to register, subscribe, or unsubscribe any Party that You are not expressly authorized to do so

using this Service or its Content other than its intended purpose (Determined solely at Our Discretion) including but not limited to, harass, threaten, defame, abuse another Person or Entity

using this Site to transmit spam or other solicited mail via the Service

interfering or attempting to compromise the Sites Integrity

taking action deliberately which may hinder the Service

uploading viruses, worms or other harmful software agents

harvesting data from the Service

impersonating another Person, Entity or similar fraudulent behaviors

by-passing measures which may be in place to prevent or restrict access to the Site

using the  Pandestiny Name, Protected Materials or Trademarks to disparage or reflect adversely on Pandestiny or any Person or Entity Associated with this Site

violating the legal rights or Privacy of others

publishing, posting, distributing or disseminating any defamatory, obscene, pornographic, sexual, indecent or unlawful material or information          





Beach Scene


Bottles of Wine




The Art of Making Money in Photography